The No. 1 Secret of Organised People
The secret of organised people
We’re often complimented on our organisational skills; who knew “I wish I was as organised as you” would be a phrase that would make us feel so proud!?
We have been this way since we can remember and is probably something we take for granted. But with the right tools, we believe it’s a skill which can easily be learned!
It just requires one magic ingredient. The source of all organised people’s power. An easy trick that, once discovered, will turn even the most chaotic of brains into an organisational master.
What is it? THE LIST.
Yep, it’s that simple, but it’s the foundation of organisational greatness.
Once everything is written down, things suddenly stop being forgotten and tasks quickly begin to look manageable. There are less surprises and an overall sense of being in control. The effect can be quite soothing, as the author takes great comfort and security from their listed world.
More importantly, with each task that gets crossed off, an addictive wave of accomplishment washes over you with such power that you’re compelled to tackle the next item on the list, kick starting a drive that is key to the long term benefit of the to do list.
Life is more straightforward because hey, guess what? You’re organised.
We really recommend you try it. Pick yourself a lovely notebook or a convenient app and begin. At first, we would suggest a brain dump; a master list which details everything that needs achieving in the long-term and everything you need to clear your brain of all its clutter and chaos.
From there develop a weekly list which considers everything that needs to be achieved week by week, eventually whittling these down to daily lists that itemise the tasks that have to get done that day.
Everyone has their own tools for list making. Jane love’s Knock Knock Stuff’s range of list stationery, both for their humour and their practicality. But at Queen Bee, we’re also huge fans of Asana and Trello on our iPhones and for project tracking and flexible functionality.
Whichever method you choose, the key to success is:
Cross off your accomplishments and give yourself the recognition you deserve so you stay motivated
Stay specific and keep it simple. Think ‘Write a blog’ rather than ‘Improve my website’
Give your lists daily attention. And I mean every. single. day.
And then you’re off. Welcome to our world…