Review and Reset: How to Keep your Business Moving Forward

two women sat at a desk with a laptop and notebook. one woman is talking.

The process of taking time out each month to review progress and reset goals is not a new one but boy, is it an important one. As small business owners who pride themselves on planning, it’s not a process we’ve consistently been good at; always eager to look forward and forgetting to celebrate the wins. But over the last year, we’ve been doing it religiously; every month working through a set of key prompts to consider how far the business has come and checking in with our wider goals to move forward.

Why is it important? We’re here to tell you!

1. It forces you to acknowledge your achievements

How often do we beat ourselves up for the little goofs we made or the tasks we might have tackled differently? What if we injected the same energy into celebrating the little wins or the giant goals we hit? Sitting with, and relishing, that sense of achievement creates a happy feeling that in turn motivates and joyfully leads to a rise in productivity.

2. It ensures you look back and move forward

More of the same please! Reflecting on what you did well over the course of the previous month can ensure you’re carrying these learnings forward into future months to continue reaping the benefits. Maybe you tried a new process that worked better for the team, maybe you managed your customers’ expectations particularly well or maybe you simply wrote a batch of Instagram posts in advance rather than drafting something on the hoof. If it felt good or had a happy outcome, plan to do more of the same.

3. It keeps you grounded in reality

It can be easy to put the blinkers on to the financial part of running a business, especially if this isn’t the part you enjoy or you don’t always like what the report tells you. Afterall, unless you work in finance, you probably didn’t get into your business to play with spreadsheets! But rather than waiting for a bombshell or nudge from your accountant, a regular and honest check in with your figures is a super healthy and commercially savvy habit to get into. Not only does it keep you grounded in reality (maybe you can’t afford to invest in that shiny new website just yet) it also allows you to pre-empt a drain in profits before it becomes a problem.

4. It encourages you to slow down

Just as with our personal wellbeing, taking time out from the day-to-day firefighting to simply ‘be’ with the business, should be a non-negotiable. As well as calm reflection and evaluation, it gives you chance to dream and reimagine. Plus, you'll be amazed at how much pressing pause and looking at what you've done will energize you to keep going.

5. It enables you to check in with bigger picture

The problem with goals is that they can be big fat chunky beasts that often create overwhelm. A monthly review and reset allows you to consider in a more realistic way what smaller actions can be taken towards the bigger goal in the month ahead. You know you’re not going to be able to launch a podcast from scratch in a month, but you can probably manage researching other podcasts in your niche, sounding out your audience for topic ideas and continuing to build your following. Outlining 3-5 realistic steps you can take ensures you keep working towards the bigger ambitions.

6. It reminds you why you’re doing this

We’ve all been there. Wondering why we’ve added this pressure, stress and entrepreneurial merry-go-round into our lives. But taking a little time to reflect reminds us of the good we’re doing, the passion we’re fuelling or the change we’re making. And pressing reset can give a renewed energy and sense of purpose.

Want to know the key questions we ask ourselves each month? The simple prompts that shine a light on the wins and refocus the building of the hive? Download our Monthly Reflection Template below and start next month with a renewed buzz about your business.