Cultivating Success: Why You Shouldn’t Give Up On Marketing

When it comes to promoting your business, the allure of quick wins often overshadows the value of patience and consistency. Marketing can so often feel like a thankless task or like you’re yelling into an abyss. This can sit especially uneasy when sales are slow or you’re run off your feet or BOTH! What’s the bloomin’ point!?

But a bit like the process of sowing, watering, pruning and nurturing plants before the first blooms reward your attention, a similar perseverance and nurturing approach is required with your marketing efforts before visible results emerge.

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Helen Burton
How Florists Can Flourish on Colour Friday

In the world of floristry, the pressure to compete with larger retailers and big brands during Black Friday can feel like navigating a thorny garden. But here's the twist: Colour Friday! And an approach to marketing that isn't about slashing prices; it's about celebrating the vibrant uniqueness of small, independent, and local businesses.

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Helen Burton
Stay Merry and Bright: Winter Productivity Hacks for Florists

As the clocks go back and the days grow shorter, the change of season can usher in a natural dip in mood and energy. For florists gearing up for the busy Christmas season, staying on top of their to-do lists is crucial so we're here to offer five practical strategies to help you not only stay afloat but thrive during this demanding period.

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Helen Burton
5 Visibility Tips to Help you Show the Face Behind Your Small Business

As scary as it might feel to become the face of your business, great personal visibility weaves through your business like a magic golden thread. It connects you and your business to your consumers AND it strengthens your brand, helping people understand who you are, what you do and why your business is the right choice for them.

If you’re missing some visibility vibes in your marketing, do not fret. Not only do we have a helping hand to guide you, but we’ve also got all the buzz on how to show-up in style.

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Helen Burton
Understanding Your Audience Better – Tips and Tricks!

Is your approach to marketing akin to a scattergun...simply throwing your content out into the universe and hoping it will stick with someone somewhere? You’re not alone!

But imagine the difference if your social post or latest email shares a story that relates to exactly how your customer is feeling? Or the new product you’re promoting is introduced to your customer at just the point in time when they need it?

That is the power of understanding your audience better.

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Helen Burton
3 Ways Love, Passion and Authenticity Will Attract your Ideal Customer

There’s a lot we can learn about marketing our business from St Valentine and the season of love. And, if we can capture even a bit of that Valentine’s Day magic in our marketing – not just for one day but throughout the year – then we’ll attract not just one perfect partner but potentially hundreds or thousands!!

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Review and Reset: How to Keep your Business Moving Forward

Reflecting on what you did well over the course of the previous month can ensure you are carrying these learnings forward into future months to continue reaping the benefits…

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The Bees fly to FleurEx

We’re so excited to be running a business drop-in session at the much-anticipated trade show event for florists, FleurEx. We’ll be explaining to florists the pitfalls of putting all your eggs in your social media basket, outlining our top three alternative marketing channels PLUS attempting to wade through all the marketing jargon with an open Q&A.

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5 Ways to Bring a Little Kindness to your Marketing

How small acts can make a huge difference to brand perception

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28 Days of Marketing Content Ideas

We’ve put our heads together and come up with long list of great content ideas, almost enough for every single day of the month! We hope, that with our help, businesses need never be stuck for something to say again!

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